
Showing posts from May, 2024

Day 10 (31.05.2024)

On the 10th day of our practice, we went to Toqi Zargaron. I mentioned the following: "Toki Zargaron was one of Bukhara's architectural monuments and trade centers for selling jewelry. This architectural monument was built in 1582 during the reign of Shaybani ruler Abdullah Khan II. Currently, it is included in the national list of real estate objects of material and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan.Toki Zargaron is the largest and most complex of all the tokis in Bukhara. Toki Zargaron Bukhara Khan was built in the 16th century during the reign of Shaibani ruler Abdullakhan II. Toki Zargaron is a monument that architecturally combines two highways located in Chorsu. Chorsu has facilitated travel on both roads. Around the tower there are small domes forming a square shape. The octagonal room is covered with a huge dome. They were the roofs of corner shops and workshops. The tower had vaulted rooms and was cool and dark. In the mountain, earrings, rings, ornaments for weapons, c

Day 9 (30.05.2024)

 On the 9th day of our practice, we went to Toqi Telpakfurushon. I mentioned the following: "Toki Telpakfurushon is an architectural monument in Bukhara and was one of the trade centers built for the sale and manufacture of headgear. This architectural monument was built in 1571 during the reign of Shaibani ruler Abdullah Khan II. Currently, it is included in the national list of real estate objects of material and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan.Tepakfurushon was built in the 16th century during Shaybani ruler Abdullah Khan II, who ruled Bukhara Khanate, and was built near the intersection. In the Middle Ages, here and there were sold fox and beaver turbans, turbans, and wonderful turbans. Toqi Teplakfurushon has been called differently in different periods. The Tepakfurushon dome is the second largest in terms of preservation and size. For example, Choharsuyi Akhanin, Toqi Kitabfurushon and Toqi Khoja Muhammad Parron were famous. Later it was called by names like Toqi Allofi and

Day 8 (29.05.2024)

On the eighth day of our internship, we traveled to Taqi Sarrafon. we studied the history and memory of that place. I said the following: "Toki Sarrofon is an architectural monument and one of the main trading centers of money exchange in Bukhara. This architectural monument was built in 1534-1535 during the reign of Shaybani ruler Ubaidula Khan. Now it is included in the national list of immovable property objects of material and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan. included.It was considered one of the 4 largest trading bazaars built in the 16th century during the rule of the Shaibani dynasty of Bukhara Khanate. This shopping center was built in the urban part of the city of Bukhara, on the Shahrud stream. There are currency exchange shops, a mosque and a Sarafon bathhouse on this mountain. Toqi Sarrafon was popularly known as Toqi Sarrafon because money changers often sat there and exchanged foreign currency and crushed money. The word "taq" is one of the ancient architec

Day 7(28.05.2024)

 On the seventh day of our practice, we went to Magoki Attori Masjid. When we learned about the history of that place, I told my supervisor and fellow students what I had learned: "Magoki Attari Mosque was originally built by Abu Muslim in the 8th century. But a fire broke out in Bukhara and this building burned down. The building was restored in the 12th century. 16- In the 19th century, they tried to demolish the mosque, but Mahdumi Azam Dahridi did not allow it and built an additional porch in the eastern part of the building.The mosque was included in the list of cultural monuments of the UNESCO community in 1980. In 1989, a museum of carpets was established as part of the Bukhara State Reserve. Here are carpets from 4 of the 5 famous carpet schools in the world. Most of the carpets are red, which is characteristic of the Zoroastrian religion. The building was renovated in 2017 and returned to its current state."

Day 6 of our practice (27.05.2024)

 On the sixth day of our internship, we traveled to the Laby Houz complex. I said that: "Labihovuz is one of the central squares of the city of Bukhara, an architectural ensemble built in the 16th and 17th centuries. The territory consists of the buildings of Kokadosh Madrasa, Nadir Devanbegi Madrasah and Nadir Devanbegi House. The size of the ensemble is approximately 150 to 200 meters."Labihovuz" ensemble is located in the southeastern part of the city of Bukhara, near the central shopping street of Bukhara. Toki Telpakfurushon and Nugay Caravanserai are located near Labihovuz. The territory is in the form of an irregular polygon, in the eastern part of which is the Devonbegi Madrasah, and in the western part is the Devonbegi House. Kokaldosh madrasa occupies the north-eastern part, where Labihovuz is located, between the statue of Khoja Nasriddin and the palacThe first preserved building in Labihovuz is the Kokaldosh madrasah. The madrasa was ordered to be built in 15

The fifth day of our practice (24.05.2024)

 On the 5th day of our internship, we went to the Bukhara Blacksmith Museum. Here we saw the processes of working with iron and making various products from it. and I told the information I knew to our internship leader and fellow students:"Blacksmith workshop" was established in the 16th century. During the Shaibani period, many merchants came to Bukhara and traded. Merchants rested in "Saroy Kulyuta" after trading. And his horses were enriched in the place where the "Blacksmith workshop" is now located. In 1913, in Central Asia, 72% of the handicraft industry was the production of metal products. Metal processing is divided into 19 different sectors. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, there were 150 blacksmith shops in the city of Bukhara, of which 30 were famous for hoe-making and 50 for sickle-making. Based on the decision of the Presidium of the Council of People's Deputies of Bukhara on January 18, 1991, "M

The fourth day of practice (23.05.2024)

It is Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts  Today we visited Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts. there were many, many different pictures. I told our operations manager what I knew about the place: "The Museum of Fine Arts of Bukhara was founded in 1982 by the initiative of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Uzbek SSR, Sharof Rashidov. The museum building has two floors and was built in 1912 on the basis of the project of the Russian engineer Margulis and the architect Sakovich as a complex architectural structure on the old Shahrud stream as a storehouse of the Russian merchant and patron Savva Morozov and a branch of the Azov-Don Bank. After the Soviet coup, the State Bank was located in this building until 1980. In the specially renovated building, 3 independent departments of the Bukhara State Museum-Reserve have been established, the first is the department of the Bukhara Museum of Fine Arts, the second is the Scientific Center of Historical Manuscripts, and the third is the

Third day of practice (Wednesday)

 The Baland Mosque is a guzar mosque in Bukhara (16th century). The building has a murabba construction (made of baked bricks), with thick walls. The mosque is built on stones. High mosque's pants. and the eastern sides are surrounded by a porch with a decorative ceiling. Beautiful signs are covered under the inner walls. The dark green signs on the east side are covered with 6-cornered blue ceramic tiles. The bricks are surrounded by delicate plant-like figures and are covered with golden water (these are well-preserved). The signs on the western side of the wall are covered with tiles and framed with kundal patterns. The bars on the windows of the high mosque are made of ceramic bricks. The area around the altar is decorated with ceramic tiles and golden water is applied to them. Its sides and top are covered with inscriptions in suls script made of rectangular earthenware. Muqarnas were made above the inscriptions, closer to the ceiling, and gold water was applied to them. The p

second day of practice (Tuesday)

 Our practice started on the 2nd day with an inside exploration of the Ark fortress. I shared my information about the dungeon stables there with my fellow students and our management supervisor. Information about the Ark fortress is first found in Narshahi's "History of Bukhara". In addition, the high-rise building of the Ark Mosque should be noted. There are various decorative inscriptions, verses, images and pictures that captivate a person.

First day of practice (Monday)

  On the first day of practice, we traveled to the Ark Fortress. But on the first day we learned about his organization. Arch rampart. avv. The norm in the 5th century. until 1920, the fortress was used by Russia. its height is 20 meters, and its length is 4 hectares.
 I am Bakhtiyorova Shakhrizoda. I am a first-year student at the Faculty of Languages ​​of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute. In this blog, I will share with you examples of my 2-week practice.