Day 10 (31.05.2024)

On the 10th day of our practice, we went to Toqi Zargaron. I mentioned the following: "Toki Zargaron was one of Bukhara's architectural monuments and trade centers for selling jewelry. This architectural monument was built in 1582 during the reign of Shaybani ruler Abdullah Khan II. Currently, it is included in the national list of real estate objects of material and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan.Toki Zargaron is the largest and most complex of all the tokis in Bukhara. Toki Zargaron Bukhara Khan was built in the 16th century during the reign of Shaibani ruler Abdullakhan II. Toki Zargaron is a monument that architecturally combines two highways located in Chorsu. Chorsu has facilitated travel on both roads. Around the tower there are small domes forming a square shape. The octagonal room is covered with a huge dome. They were the roofs of corner shops and workshops. The tower had vaulted rooms and was cool and dark. In the mountain, earrings, rings, ornaments for weapons, carved seals, beads and necklaces were made by craftsmen. In the Middle Ages, skilled craftsmen made jewelry on the mountain[2]. Merchants from foreign countries used to come and sell their wares in Toki Zargaron. Arabs, Persians, Indians, Russians, Chinese, Turks and traders of other nationalities came to this mountain. They sold products such as Chinese silk, Kashmiri shawls, Egyptian perfumes, Arab jewelery and Tibetan spices on the mountain. Somsa, bread and hot food are sold in places designated for eating in Toki Zargaron. The ruler's decrees were also announced on this mountain [3]. In the past, there were 36 jewelry workshops and shops in its corridors. Market stalls, warehouses, caravanserais were built around it. It is assumed that the dome was built before the arrival of the Arabs. It was mentioned as Bukhara Charsus in the work written by Vasifii at the beginning of the 16th century. Toki Zargaron is located near the Ulugbek madrasa, the center of the ancient city, covering the intersection of 2 main streets. The building was built mainly in the 15th century (since it was completely renovated in the 16th century, it is assumed that it was built in this year). Toki Zargaron was renovated during the years of independence. Toki Zargaron now has artisan workshops and stalls. These shops now sell spices, wood products, jewelry, antique collections.Toqi Zargaron is made of brick, wood, stone and ganch. The huge dome is placed on 8 towers. Size 45.4x43.5 meters, ball. It is 16.7 meters, the base circumference of the dome is 14 meters, the base is multi-faceted, and light enters the building through 16 windows. The dome of shops surrounding it is 5-7 meters high."


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