Day 8 (29.05.2024)

On the eighth day of our internship, we traveled to Taqi Sarrafon. we studied the history and memory of that place. I said the following: "Toki Sarrofon is an architectural monument and one of the main trading centers of money exchange in Bukhara. This architectural monument was built in 1534-1535 during the reign of Shaybani ruler Ubaidula Khan. Now it is included in the national list of immovable property objects of material and cultural heritage of Uzbekistan. included.It was considered one of the 4 largest trading bazaars built in the 16th century during the rule of the Shaibani dynasty of Bukhara Khanate. This shopping center was built in the urban part of the city of Bukhara, on the Shahrud stream. There are currency exchange shops, a mosque and a Sarafon bathhouse on this mountain. Toqi Sarrafon was popularly known as Toqi Sarrafon because money changers often sat there and exchanged foreign currency and crushed money. The word "taq" is one of the ancient architectural terms, and it means "building" in Arabic and "hemispherical". In the Bukhara Khanate, the covered market is called taq. Toki Sarrafon was considered one of such market stalls. Sarraf means a money changer. As a result of the research, it is shown that people lived in the area of ​​this market during the 9th century Somonites. There is information that there was a fire here in the 13th century and that the fire was related to the activities of Genghis Khan. During the Shaibani period, Bukhara became a center of private business, lending and money exchange. In Bukhara, there were houses, a trading dome, a caravanserai, a mosque, a bathhouse, and others named after money changers. The inscription on the south-eastern arched corridor of the tower was restored in 1980. In Kitabada, verse 103 of Surah Nisa of Holy Qur'an is written in gold color in naskh script. In the inscription above the gate of the Toqi Sarrafon mosque, information is given: "This construction was completed in 1534-1535 during the reign of Ubaidullah Bahadir Khan". This letter was written by Muhammad Darvish Qonaq, a Bukhara husni letter owner. In the repair works carried out in the 80s of the 20th century, the inscriptions at the entrance to the mosque of the mountain were restored and repairs were carried out. Craft workshops and trade stalls are currently operating on this mountain.


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